
Enrique Bolivar
November 18, 2022

下一代OCC可实现关键任务通信, 提高效率和运输经营者的决策.


The Operations Control Centre (OCC) is the brain that manages the transport operators’ day-to-day activities. 正是在这里,奇迹发生了,确保一切顺利进行. However, sometimes passenger service can get disrupted when incidents occur such as, 运输系统的技术故障, on trains, planes or any other mass transit systems; weather conditions; traffic incidents; labor strikes and accidents. These disruptions can cause unacceptable delays and resource shortages. OCC必须作出协调一致的反应, in a timely manner, to reduce and recover from operational interruptions and to minimise the impact on passenger service.


Monitoring operations
Anticipating problems
Managing 计划的操作时间表 
Minimising service disruption

At the same time, the OCC is tasked with maintaining performance and providing quality of service, 以及降低运营成本. In other words, OCC负责执行每日计划, as planned, without busting the budget. 

有效的OCC操作取决于拥有正确的解决方案, as well as coordinated and collaborative work between the stakeholders who represent different core business units.

A complex ecosystem of solutions converges in the OCC where they are often challenged to deliver new services that require new applications. This means everything needs to be integrated in order to have effective control of the operations.

The modules that make up the solution must be open and able to integrate with others. APIs provide the key elements for enabling interconnection between different ecosystem components. With open APIs, operators can create new services, integrate applications and meet new requirements. 此外,api创造了创新的机会.

通信服务是高效OCC的基石. These vital services enable the collaborative coordination of various stakeholders in the OCC. They can improve visibility about the information coming in and they can reduce recovery time.

Communications are mission- critical for the OCC to ensure operations and users’ security. 基于可靠/安全通信的基础可以:

• Offer openness to easily integrate with different functional blocks at the OCC

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise offers a broad communications portfolio that covers telephony services based on the 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniPCX®企业版. 该组合包括一个警报通知服务器, 紧急危机管理, voice recording, a Dispatch Console to deal with a high volume of call taking/dispatching and enhance collaboration. Additionally, a 远程视觉辅助(RVA) solution streamlines  on-site interventions by improving interactions between field workers and OCC expert staff and reduces the downtime. These communication services are integrated and interconnected with the OCC functional blocks such as radio, Public Announcement (PA), Passenger Display Information (PDI) through standard protocols and APIs. Additionally, the 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniPCX开放网关, a dedicated API server, increases integration capabilities that include a set of RESTful APIs to host ALE and customer applications such as:

• Telephony services
• Management capabilities
• Analytics

Real-time collaboration is vital for OCC task coordination and information awareness between stakeholders. It improves responsiveness while minimising the impact on end users during irregular operations. The integration of a solution with business processes and communications solutions is key to enabling efficient operations. The 阿尔卡特朗讯企业版Rainbow™ CPaaS solution integrates with the customer environment to provide communications services such as chat, file sharing, voice and video, over any device. At the same time, 彩虹利用人工智能(AI), chatbots, system databases and analytics to automate and simplify operational processes and create new services.

Evolution to a collaborative operational environment is the next step for many OCCs. Integrating the different functional blocks is the main driver to enable interaction between the stakeholders, increase communication, improve situational awareness and enhance the decision-making process.

Next-generation OCC

The next-generation OCC is being driven by technology and digital transformation. Integration of new components will deliver added value to complex OCC environments. 这一新的演变基于三个主要支柱,包括:

1. SIP technology at the core of the communications solution to support/offer advanced telephony features and help pave the way for a smooth migration to the next-generation.
2. 连接OCC的云平台. WebRTC services offer borderless communications and collaboration between customers and employees through integration with mobile apps and multimedia self-service interfaces, such as kiosk, 以及使用彩虹连接器的商业应用程序.
3. Hybrid private/public cloud solutions to deliver new services and increase reliability.

Evolution to next-generation OCC for transport operators enables significant advantages including:

• Implementation of a fast recovery plan through a cloud-based operator
• Enriched OCC interaction by connecting Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to automate processes 
•增强了事件的上下文信息, 提高效率,帮助员工进行决策

Enrique Bolivar

Enrique Bolivar


作为运输解决方案经理, Energy and Utilities, 恩里克负责制定解决方案, 这些不同领域的价值主张和内容, 支持全球ALE销售团队. 拥有超过15年的电信火狐体育手机经验, 专注于企业市场, Enrique是ALE国际中心售前团队的一员, 为全球销售和售前团队提供广泛的支持. His expertise includes end-to-end solutions, network VoIP design, UCC and UCaaS solutions.

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